WHY a search is needed ?
Before you apply for a new trademark in China, you should search the database of trademarks to see if any similar trademark has already been registered for, that is similar to your trademark, used on related products or for related services and is alive(valid).
A trademark that meets all three criteria will prevent your trademark from being registered because it creates a likelihood of confusion.
Regarding this, we provide two methods for searching a trademark in China database:
First Method (Search by KNITRIGHT experts)
Second Method (Online official database by yourself)
NOTE:Both search methods are free.
First Method (Search by KNITRIGHT experts)
File this form and press Submit button ,our experts will send you the result within 24 hours.
Second Method (Online official database by yourself)
We will show you how to search China trademark in China trademark office official database step by step.
Step by step
Click the official database here,
The page is like this :
Then click “ENGLISH“
Click “SISTM“(Search for identical or similar TMs)
click “Selective Search“
You are almost completed !
for a normal search ,you need to file the following information like the following :
Take trademark “apple “in class 9 for example ,
then you could get a result like the following :
You have already learnt how to search China trademark online .
Should you have any questions ,please don’t hesitate to contact us here.